See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
Make your reservation

Discover the new destinations for your cargo

Portugal’s air cargo transporter has added two new destinations to its air cargo network: Quito and Lima join the list of routes where TAP Air Cargo now flies with the commitment to deliver your packages.

You can now contract any of TAP Air Cargo's air cargo transportation services for shipments to Quito and Lima through hubs in Miami and São Paulo. Through established partnerships with airlines with daily flights to these locations, you can now ship your cargo to these two cities.

We guarantee safety, quality and speed during the entire transport process. TAP Air Cargo is once again enhancing its position as one of the best airlines flying to the Americas.

Please contact us at [email protected] should you require more information or clarification.

Check which TAP Air Cargo air transport of cargo services are available to you.