See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
Make your reservation

Data loggers

TAP Air Portugal accepts various types of devices for monitoring the temperature of cargo on any aircraft.

Send cargo accompanied by a data logger

To ship cargo containing one or more types of monitoring devices, you must ensure the following procedures:
  • Ensure that the device is approved by the TAP — see the list of approved Data Loggers on this page.
  • Inform the cargo booking that you are going to transport the device.
  • The device must be well packed by the shipper.
  • Include the following information in the Handling Information field in the Air Waybill:
    • Type of device.
    • Model.
    • Type of battery or cells.
  • The freight forwarder must deliver a declaration confirming the installation, non-handling and good condition of the device.

See here all approved data loggers

BEEconIoT With Probe
Berlinger Berlinger Q-tag CLm doc L
Berlinger SmartMonitor SHIP S
Berlinger Smarmonitor Shipment L/M
CalAmp CalAmp SC1204
CalAmp SC1302
Controlant CO10.01
Controlant SAGA
Controlant SAGA P
Controlant SAGA H
Cryopack Cryopack iMINI USB PDF
Cryopack iMINI
ELPRO Libero ELPRO Libero CB
ELPRO Libero CX Series
ELPRO Libero GX Series
Fresh Fresh Tag 1
Frigga Friga Smart Tag, Friga M e Friga U1
Frigga V5
Frigga V56 (5G)
GD100 Single Use / Disposable device
GL300 Series Reusable, with 2 options of battery (one internal and the other with internal and external battery for longer life).
InTemp InTemp CX500 Series
iTraq Butterfly iTraq Butterfly
Kelvin Kelvin S100
Kelvin M200
Kelvin M300
Logmore Logmore Data Logger 10
Logmore Data Logger 20
Logmore Data Logger 30
Logmore Data Logger 40
Logmore Data Logger 50
Logmore Data Logger 60
All models
Roambee Roambee
Roambee BeeSense Air BL-NL-CC-3
Roambee BeeSense Air
Roambee BeeSense Flex
Roambee BeeSense BNG 500M (Part Number: BL-MOD-3)
SECURE Live MR Logger
Sendum Sendum Model PT 300
Sensitech Sensitech Temptale 4
Sensitech TempTale GEO Ultra - VizComm View Ultra (T11013050)
Sensitech Geo Ultra EXTENDED / VizComm View Ultra Extended (T11012990)
Sensitech Temptale Geo Ultra Dry Ice (T11013070)
Sensitech Temptale Geo Ultra Dry Ice EXTENDED (T11013060)
Sensitech Temptale Ultra 16K Ambient (T11012570)
Sensitech Temptale Ultra Dry Ice Ambient (T11012800)
Sentinel Sentinel 100
Sentinel 100P
Sentry 500
Sentry 600
SkyCell Model Savy Sensor
Sysloco Sysloco HGD4
Sysloco HGR4
Tec4med Tec4med SmartHub Lipo
Tec4med SmartHub Alkaline
Tec4med SmartLock
Tec4med SmartBeacon
Tec4med SmartBeacon
Tec4med CryoBeacon
TempInspect Model SavySensor
Tive TT-7000
Tive TT-7100
FBO-2001 Celular Enabled Tracker
FBW – 2001 – Smart Tape
USB In-Transit USB In-Transit

Devices not on the list

If the device is not on the list of approved data loggers, you must fill in and send an approval request (PDF, 0.30MB, EN), as well as the device's technical documentation, to [email protected]. After receiving and analysing the submitted documentation, the device will be added to the list of approved data loggers and monitoring devices if it is accepted.
If you need additional clarifications, send us an email to [email protected].