See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
NEO Star Alliance have been sponsored
TAP Air Cargo and Jurídico-Laboral have introduced MyNEO, CS-TUK and CS-TVF to their "home".
It is worth remembering that these are the first Star Alliance painted NEOs, and, since they arrived in Lisbon, they have caught many eyes wherever they go. MyNEO's new sponsors are more than proud of and spare no praise for the new "stars" of the company.
The next day, it was the A330neo CS-TUK's turn to receive TAP Air Cargo's official seal of approval, precisely one week after the plane arrived in Lisbon. About 40 employees gathered at Hangar 6 for an exclusive and special visit that, above all, had them leave their offices and cargo workplaces for a day to experience what it's like to be in the cockpit. They also took the opportunity to test the comfort of the full-flat Executive chairs and even to explore the Crew Rest.
For many employees, this was the first time they entered the hangar and particularly an A330neo – an opportunity now provided through MyNEO, which has enriched the professional experience of each of those involved.
The Global Chief Cargo Officer, Miguel Paiva Gomes, was one of those who made his debut on the hangar. Working at TAP for about a year, during the visit he admits that this "is a magnificent experience; it is a great pride and joy to share this moment as a team, especially because we're sponsoring a Wide Body, which favours the Cargo business so much,” explaining that the efficiency of this aircraft allows the saving of fuel and generation of a greater payload, which is beneficial for the industry.
Nuno Silva, from TAP Air Cargo Revenue, was the Ambassador assigned to go to France to "pick up" the new star. It was the first time that he was at the Airbus factory in Toulouse, and the first time he flew on an A330neo, an opportunity he described as “an honor”. “We feel connected to the history of the company, and the aircraft in particular, and it is amazing to follow the whole process. It's made of incredible commitment to rigor and professionalism on the part of all teams," highlighted the employee.
At the end of the visit, the sponsors of the two areas could also add the sticker of their respective aircrafts on the Campus TAP screen, joining their "new stars” to the remaining A330neo, A321neo, A320neo and A321LR.