See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
Naples, Tel Aviv and Dublin at special offer prices
For this year’s end, TAP Air Cargo has prepared an exclusive offer for you on the purchase of any of its air cargo services.
You can get exclusive price of €0.85 (all in*) until 15 January 2020 for shipping your cargo on the new routes to Dublin, Naples and Tel Aviv.
Take advantage of TAP Air Cargo’s special price for all air cargo transport services from Lisbon and Porto, and don’t leave any cargo unsent if these are your destinations.
If you need any further information, then please contact us at:
- Our contact centre: (+351) 218 431 223;
- By email [email protected];
- Directly via e-Booking at
* Price per kilo with all costs included for general cargo (minimum price €50 for each shipment).
** Exclusive offer for cargo originating from Lisbon or Porto.