See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
Make your reservation

Operation reinforcement

TAP Air Cargo will carry out 140 additional flights during July and August!

From 11th of July to 31st of August, TAP Air Cargo' operation will be reinforced with two Wide Body A340 aircrafts. This operation reinforcement to Punta Cana, Brussels, Vienna, and Warsaw, will result on more than 140 additional flights with capacity of 80m3. These last two hubs will have a daily operation and are important connection points to other European airports, such as Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam, Milan, Bucharest, Budapest, and Prague.

For more information check our schedules here.

Trust us with your cargo!