See shipment status.
With e-Tracking you can check the current air transport status of your cargo and set alerts to track your shipments. We make proximity and transparency two of our top priorities.
TAP Air Cargo e-Booking enables you to make online air cargo reservations easily, quickly and securely, every day and at anytime. Your reservation is registered in our system and, if necessary, our team will contact you.
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New GSSA for UK and Ireland

Offer of 93 weekly flights from London, Manchester and Dublin to 30 countries worldwide.

On May 16, 2022, TAP Air Cargo started a new GSSA partnership with AIA (Airbridge International Agencies) for the UK and Ireland markets. AIA is a GSSA cargo service provider, which prides itself on offering a world-class service with solutions to airline cargo requirements, having become one of the most trusted and recognized companies in its field.

Bruno Aires, Global Cargo Senior Director TAP Cargo, stated that “TAP chose AIA Cargo because we are convinced that AIA has the potential to develop our markets in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The configuration of AIA Cargo allows TAP Cargo products to be further promoted to increase our sales”.

The partnership results in a weekly offer of 93 flights from London (Gatwick and Heathrow), Manchester and Dublin, with 160,000kg weekly capacity, allowing TAP Cargo to serve more than 30 countries around the world, on the continents of Africa, North and South America, in addition to from other strategic European hubs.

For quote requests or other questions, contact us via email [email protected] or telephone +44 203 432 7810.